Lay language communications: group of business people working together on a document.
Would you like a 'plain language makeover' of your business documents?

About Please Read CarefullyTM

Jane Lamprill  owns two lay language writing services. Both are marketed as one legal entity and based in the UK.

Please Read CarefullyTM  (PRC) is a plain language writing service founded in 2016. Jane ‘translates’ complex text into clear, concise information for your readers. She writes for six sectors including business, pharmaceuticals and healthcare.

Paediatric Research CommunicationsTM  was founded in 2004 as Paediatric Research ConsultancyTM  and is now part of PRC. Jane advises on practical and ethical aspects of paediatric research, and writes easy-language medical information for children of all ages. E.g informed assent materials, lay summaries and copywriting for child health promotions.

We are pleased to offer you

Lay language communications: Pharmacist explains medicines information in lay language to a femaile customer.
Would you like your patients to understand complex medical info?

About Jane Lamprill

Jane is a specialist Plain Language Writer. She has a unique skill-set of clinical, business and governance experience. This helps her appreciate the information needs of her clients, and those with whom they communicate.

Jane recently joined the Future Science Group’s advisory panel. This is part of FSG’s initiative to provide Plain Language Summaries for their medical journal articles. She

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