Please Read Carefully writes easy language public health information
Washing hands with soapy suds is fun, and kills the Coronovirus.

Public Health information

Welcome to Please Read CarefullyTM   which was founded in 2016 by lay language health writer Jane Lamprill.  She writes easy-language, culturally sensitive health information for adults and children.

Help with Public Health communications

We have amazing public health scientists. They are are great at writing science, but may need help to get their message across in easy language.

Please feel free to contact Jane if you need help with

Jane Lamprill: background and experience

Jane was a paediatric research sister for several years and has a children’s writing background. She has also worked in hospital and community health settings in the UK and Thailand. 

Jane has collaborated with research scientists for many years and provides easy-language,culturally sensitive health information.

Tribute to Professor Val Curtis

Jane has really been inspired by Professor Curtis, a Public Health expert based at the London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine. She saved millions of lives through her work on ‘behaviour settings’ for sanitation and hand washing. Sadly, cancer took her life in October 2020. But her message lives on, and one of her ‘marching orders’ was to have more collaboration between scientists and creative health writers.(1) 

Sep 2020
Professor Valerie Curtis
Discovering behaviour – inaugural lecture.
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